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Generative AI and ChatGPT

The Fascinating World of Generative AI

Generative AI is a technology that empowers machines to create content autonomously, revolutionizing various industries. Explore the capabilities and innovative applications of Generative AI with this series, providing insights into how this cutting-edge technology is reshaping creativity, problem-solving, and more. Session 6 of this month’s Cyber Security Awareness Session focused…
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The Role of AI in Revolutionizing Financial Services and FinTech

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has transcended its sci-fi origins to become a driving force in reshaping the financial services industry and fueling the evolution of FinTech. The marriage of AI and finance holds immense potential, from enhancing customer experiences to optimizing operations and risk management. Enhancing Customer Experiences with AI In…
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Leveraging DevOps and Continuous Delivery for Successful Digital Initiatives

In the dynamic landscape of technology, the key to thriving lies in adaptability and speed. This is where DevOps and continuous delivery step in, revolutionizing how organizations undertake digital initiatives. The seamless integration of these methodologies not only accelerates development but also enhances the quality and success of digital projects.…
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Exploring How Digital Transformation Shapes Environmental Sustainability

In an era marked by technological advancements and the urgent need for environmental conservation, the synergy between digital transformation and environmental sustainability has taken center stage. The marriage of these two seemingly distinct realms has given rise to innovative solutions that hold the potential to mitigate ecological challenges and create…
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Augmented Reality (AR) Vs Virtual Reality (VR)

In the ever-evolving landscape of digital technology, Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) have emerged as groundbreaking innovations that are transforming various industries. Axiata Digital Labs, a leading technology company, has recognized the immense potential of AR and VR and is actively exploring their applications. In this blog, we…
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Software Testing Best Practices: Ensuring Quality and Reliability

By Mohamed Afzal In today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape, software plays a crucial role in powering businesses and enhancing user experiences. Software development has traditionally been done with a well-defined process which has evolved with time and software testing plays a crucial role in that process. The success of a…
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Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC) Model: Choosing the Right Approach

In the fast-paced world of software development, selecting the right approach can make all the difference in achieving project success. At ADL, where innovation and efficiency are at the core of our operations, understanding the various Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC) models becomes crucial. In this blog, we will delve into…
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Igniting Digital Transformation Across Indonesia: ADL’s Vision Forward

The prevailing conditions of the COVID-19 pandemic has casued restrictions on community activities, have intensified discussions surrounding digital transformation, digital business, and the imperative to minimize human contact. Chandima Wijekoon, Country Director for Indonesia and an Associate Vice President of Axiata Digital Labs (ADL), highlights how the pandemic has brought…
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