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White Space is Not a Waste of Space

By Pravindhya Pussepitiya “Can we remove or reduce the space between…?” Well, this is one of the most frequent suggestions that User Interface designers receive. Why do these empty spaces bother so much, and why is it important to keep these spaces in designs? This space we talk about here…
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Optimizing AWS Costs: EKS Dynamic Scaling using EventBridge and Lambda

By Damindu Bandara Introduction Amazon EKS offers flexibility in deploying Kubernetes applications, with EC2 instances being a popular choice for node hosting. This guide focuses on optimizing costs by automating the scaling down of EKS clusters during off-peak hours. By leveraging AWS Lambda Functions and AWS EventBridge, you can efficiently…
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Unlocking ITIL: A Comprehensive Introduction to IT Service Management

By Gayashan Gamlath In today’s ever-changing world of Information Technology, it’s important for organizations to stay ahead to provide good and efficient services. At the heart of effective service management lies ITIL — the Information Technology Infrastructure Library. It’s like a big toolbox that organizations everywhere use to make sure…
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The UX Audit Imperative – Enhancing Digital Experiences for Users

By Jayani Jayasiri What is a UX Audit? A UX audit is a comprehensive evaluation of a product or service’s user experience to identify areas of improvement. It involves analysing various aspects of the user interface, interaction design, usability, and overall user experience to ensure that they align with best…
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Next Gen Information Integration with API Managers

By Chamindra Hettitantirige APIs have become crucial for modern organisations because of the unparalleled capabilities they provide in terms of integrating a wide range of products or services to serve customers better and be on top of the competition. According to an article in businesswire, 97% of Enterprise Leaders agree that…
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Power BI for Business Analysts

By Nethma Sandamini What is Power BI? “Power BI” is a very commonly used term among business analysts, business intelligence analysts, and data analysts in the technology industry. In short, Power BI is a business analytics service provided by Microsoft that allows users to visualize data and share insights. It…
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Discover Clever Ways to Use CSS for Web Design

By Sewvandi Wickramasinghe Are you interested in discovering some clever CSS techniques to enhance your web design skills? Below are 13 easy tricks to get it done! 1. Curve Text Around a Floating Image shape-outside is a CSS property that allows geometric shapes to be set in order to create a…
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Getting Started with Azure Essentials

By Sewvandi Wickramasinghe This article is for those who want to learn more about the Azure platform, prepare for the Azure Fundamentals exam, or improve their skills as a developer, consultant, or architect. What is Azure? Microsoft Azure is a cloud infrastructure service developed by Microsoft for developing, testing, deploying,…
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